Title of the article Security and Law Enforcement Activities: Correlation of Terms and Spheres of Criminal and Legal Protection
PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Criminal Law and Procedure Department, Uzhhorod National University
Journal Scientific theoretical and practical journal
“Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”
Issue 4/1’2018
Pages [153–157]
Abstract On the basis of modern researches the definition of concepts of security and law-enforcement activity, their features and subjects is given. The author expresses his opinion on the necessity of the appearance of non-state law enforcement activities in Ukraine. It is emphasized on the need for comprehensive criminal law protection of both state and non-state security activities in our country. It is proposed to introduce appropriate amendments to the legislation that regulates the activity of the subjects of protective activity.
Keywords security activity; law enforcement activities; law enforcement function of the state; security guards; private security activities; criminal law protection.
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